Thursday, June 19, 2008

Planet Earth!

Yesterday my copy of Planet Earth on Bluray came in the mail!

So when I get it out of the box and put it in the ps3 it begins to play and then.... I get an error message, i begin to think the worst, this chump from amazon got me for 60 bucks. All i could think of was the long phone calls trying to reach someone who could help me geta new copy of planet earth when all I wanna do is just watch animals in super awesome high def. So there me and Chris are, looking through the internet to try and figure out whats a matter and im reading all these horror stories about people who cant get bluray discs to play in the ps3 and i begin to freak out a little inside. WHY OH WHY MUST YOU MOCK ME PS3!!?!??? I finally take some initiative and try the old turn off and turn back on trick. In goes the disc again... playing.......... no signs of error yet......and we have title screen!!!!
it was pretty much the highlight of my day, and I continued to watch 4 hours of beautiful high def animal wonderfulness.

P.S. have you ever actually felt a bluray disc? they feel amazing

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

To Do List:

1. Buy sketchbook, preferably 8 1/2x11 so theres more art inside said sketchbook. Once bought, I am to fill with amazing art to take around to tattoo shops in an effort to get an apprenticeship somehow. Also collab with chris for couch painting.

2. Take full advantage of finally having healthcare as of July 1st. Doctors appontments and dental visits here I come!

3. Pay the IRS all my money, this requires a strict $5 a day budget and pack lunches.

4. Finish Bomber Pro, all I need is rims, spokes, chain, and tires. This will somehow need to be planned around paying the government money. Perhaps bartering?

5. Ride my bike... A LOT! Im a little tired of 4th place and I need a new bag. Hopefully Rocky VI may be that shining moment.

6. Have fun whilest accomplishing said list

The Happening

Last night I went to see The Happening. First off I would like to say the movie sucked in a way that after you go and see it you are like, "What the fuck? What was that supposed to mean?". But I also noticed the genius behind making this movie, even though it wasnt up to par with a huge blockbuster movie it has the funding of one. Which means that M. Night purposefully made a B movie with the funding of a huge movie which I personally found awesome. I know this will definitely go way over a lot of peoples heads and they will think this movie made no sense or simply sucked but I understood Mr.Shyamalan and I will definitely go out and buy this movie on dvd when it comes out.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Tad Sad...

So everyone leaves for Toronto today, I will not be one of them. Jorge got a job at timecycle so he wasnt able to get the time off seeing as how he starts today. Its probably for the better though seeing as how I have like no money at the moment, like a month ago i had such a good hold on my finances and now my bank account is overdrawn? huh? It has to do with the fact that I got approved for healthcare through Aetna and they take money out when you are approved. This situation is also another win/lose situation which seems to be the theme to the month of June for me.
I wish July would get here already, I want a dog!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Back to earth

Finally back from working the races. I had fun doing it like i do every year, its my vacation each year but its still work none the less so I am very exhausted right now. Allentown was probably my favorite race out of the 3 this year, it was an amzing course with probably my favorite finish ive seen in a long time. 100 some odd riders sprint towars the finish line together with the wind at their backs made for a 40-50mph sprint to the finish line, AMAZING. Reading was ok, nothing to special. Philly was probably the biggest pain in the ass, with weather that didnt drop below 90 and some management issues that made everythign harder,made for a very mediocre Philly race this year. Its only like 2 weeks before we go on the road again o set up the tour of PA. I always love settingup new races, its always exciting.

As for right now, im working, its hot, and I get to go see Conan tomorrow in New York. Should be sweet.