Sunday, December 14, 2008

A reminder of the past

Today I listened to Rumbleseat for the first time in a while.
I forgot how much I love listening to this album
I used to have it on my old computer but I never transfered it over
Now my old computer is dead and now no Rumbleseat
I suppose eventually I will buy it from here...
But its Christmas time and I gotta buy gifts
This album reminds me of living with Donovan and Yokev
Such good memories...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I suppose

It has been quite some time since ive posted in here. I can name a few reasons why, getting hired at Timecycle has changed my life a whole lot. Im so much more happy with myself now that I have a normal sleep schedule, interesting days at work, and most of all I am much less tired.
I cant really say Ive been productive at all besides just working my ass off and loving my dog.
Oh and I finally won an alleycat recently, sooooo happy!
I think pictures are much better