Let may lay this all out for you so you can all feel the same way as i do about 2012. So as many of you may all know the ancient Mayans were a very intelligent people. They did all sorts of great stuff, one of which was their calendar. The Mayan calendar has predicted all sorts of stuff that blows you away, including the lunar phases down to the day and even solar eclipses all of which were predicted TO THE DAY. So great, the Mayans created a calendar, whoopdeedo, im all set with the calendar i have it tells me when my birthday is, christmas and all the other great days in which i receive presents. Well the Mayan calendar trumps ours in one way, it has an end. The last day of the Mayan calendar is on December 21st 2012. What happens on said day? Why the abrupt end? Well my friends on this day our planet and all the other ones that reolve around our beautiful sun cross what is known as the universal equator and we actually have no clue what will happen once we cross said line. There are many theories as to what will happen when we cross this line and the most prominent one is a polar shift, this is what happens when our planet goes all caddywhompus and Philadelphia suddenly becomes beach front property where the sunny carribean used to be or hell we could even end up where Antarctica used to be (personally im hoping for some sunny real estate myself). But when this happens there will be no hiding, earthquakes and tsunamis out the whazoo, mass extinction of plants and animals and a whole array of other fantastic stuff.
So the Mayans predicted the end of our fantastic world, they are just an ancient people who probably had a hunch. Well they werent the only ones to predict the end. Ancient oracles from the earliest of recorded time have also predicted our demise, theyve even predicted things like both world wars, the rise and fall of ancient Rome, emperor Constantine BY NAME!, and the settlement of America in Virginia in the 1600s all hundred of years before any of this malarchy actually happened. But what most freaked me out was the I Ching's prophecy of the end of times.
The I Ching for those of you who dont know about it is an ancient chinese fortune telling book that was created around the time the pyramids were built, hundreds of years before Jesus was born and the Roman calendar. It involves 3 coins being thrown 6 times. After you throw the coins there is a majority of either heads or tails and then on a piece of paper you draw a complete line or a broken line as shown below:

After you have your drawing all set you open the book and find the corresponding drawing which predicts your fortune accordingly. Well recently there was a guy whose name i just cant seem to find again, he mapped out the I Ching in periods of 64 cycles of 64 periods in time beginning with the invention of I Ching a long time ago. If you plot them on a graph it shows the ups and downs of a whole timeline ona much larger scale than an individuals fortune. Its shows the fall of the Roman empire, and all the aformentioned things above. But it also has an end, just like the Mayan calendar, actually exactly like the Mayan calendar it ends on the same day December 21st 2012. Creepy huh? it definitely made my hair stand on end.
All this makes you think, many people who would never even see the day have prophecised the end of times or at least some major fucked up shit in December of 2012. Its definitely made me think, should i not care anymore about all this fucked up crap in my life, should i live life like 5 years from now it could be the end? In december of 2012 should i not buy Christmas presents? Who knows, i personally am gonna just live day by day and begin to focus on those who actually matter to me in life like my family and my very close friends. I dont have time to sweat the small stuff and the assholes who just make my life a hassle all the time because 5 years from now it may not matter what happened today or tomorrow just how i made the time i had special to myself.
1 comment:
You've got it all wrong. In 5 years, all of the micro-black holes created by the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva will coalesce at the center of the Earth and, with the help of the pressure of the entire Earth, they will form into one giant black hole which will suck our entire planet into whatever lies beyond.
Considering there is no substantial geological proof for the claim that great environmental catastrophe inevitably follows a shift in the Earth's polarity (which has occurred hundreds if not thousands of times), I think we can safely bet that nothing will happen except that ship captains and map makers will have to turn the compasses on their maps by 180 degrees.
As for the I-Ching: why the number 64? And how does the line graph substantially represent such things as the fall of Ancient Rome? And how does it show the Emperor Constantine? Does it also show the Emperor Hadrian? Or Marcus Aurelius? Or Trajan or Nero? How about their supervisors and mistresses?
I've also read about the Ancient Mayan calender and that the reason it ends is because it ends an epoch of time. Instead of the Milky Way being visible to the West of Polaris, it will be visible East of Polaris (or vice versa -- it will shift to the opposite side it is now). I don't think there's any crazy environmental disaster that might happen. Or at least no evidence to show that such a thing might happen. We would have to look at the geologic record and try to match the mass extinctions of the past with the point in space in which the Earth probably sat.
I don't mean to take away the fun of thinking about things like the end of days, but I don't think anyone should really take any claims of the latter based on something shown on TV or seen on the internet. Afterall, the producers of that Discovery Channel show on which you saw the discussion of the Mayan calender are after one main thing: money. So how do you think they were trying to accomplish that? By putting on a show about the end of days which skews evidence in order to make things seem plausible or mysterious.
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