So when I get it out of the box and put it in the ps3 it begins to play and then.... I get an error message, i begin to think the worst, this chump from amazon got me for 60 bucks. All i could think of was the long phone calls trying to reach someone who could help me geta new copy of planet earth when all I wanna do is just watch animals in super awesome high def. So there me and Chris are, looking through the internet to try and figure out whats a matter and im reading all these horror stories about people who cant get bluray discs to play in the ps3 and i begin to freak out a little inside. WHY OH WHY MUST YOU MOCK ME PS3!!?!??? I finally take some initiative and try the old turn off and turn back on trick. In goes the disc again... playing.......... no signs of error yet......and we have title screen!!!!
it was pretty much the highlight of my day, and I continued to watch 4 hours of beautiful high def animal wonderfulness.
P.S. have you ever actually felt a bluray disc? they feel amazing