This blog will most definitely contain me tooting my own horn and complaining about people that piss me off. If you feel like that is the last thing you wanna read then simply click on something else, I advise maybe something like
Now that that is out of the way
Im gonna begin by saying that the mercier your mom bought you for Christmas with the set of velocity wheels that match your shoes is a joke to me first off. Now dont get me wrong my bikes match very well but they dont look like a rainbow threwup all over them after a heavy night of drinking Sparks and eating gushers. There are ways you can match a bike while being subtle about it. Your obvious disregard for the fact there is 3 colors to a color field makes it a fucking joke that you attend an art school. Oh I forgot that you are all so different and unique, so why is that when i pull up to 215 S. Broad for a delivery I see 8 Fuji tracks, Velocity flip flop hubs out the whazoo, 15 surlys, and too many shitty conversions to have time to count. I have this thing where if you are gonna do something you should absolutely do it right or not at all. I have 5 completely unique bikes, no one else besides some absolutely absurd coincidence, has the same bikes as me. I take time thinking about what looks nice on each and waht would totally make it too over the top taking into account awht every asshole like you rides to school each day so that i can stay clear from it. NOw let me give you some idea of how stupid your spending is, I spent just about a grand on my work bike in order to get it street worthy which was way before i made her indestructable. guess what? you can do the same! no im not lying! Its called ebay and theres plenty of nice parts that go for close to half of what they go for normally just because some roadie doesnt like a scratch on their cinelli drop bars. Im urgin you to be unique here! its what you want right? You can do it for cheap too!
Secondly, I ride my bike for a living each and every weekday from 9-5. The last thing I need during my ride into town in the morning is your punk ass speeding past me about 5 inches away. YOu look like an asshole with your undergeared track bike (mind you for some sick skids with your other track bike loving friends) spinnign your way out to get to the red light to almost kill yoursself as you cut off 3 cars to get there. I have no fucking clue who youre trying to impress but youve actually gone and done the opposite! If you were any good at riding that thing you wouldnt be able to even tell you almost got killed. But bakc to the fact that you buzzed on past me at 9 in the morning going who knows how fast to get to you part time job slinging coffee to businessmen. If i so choose I could destroy you on my bike, literally destroy you, I see things 8 steps ahead of what your brain can comprehend when im on my bike through traffic. That is why i choose to ride a bike with no brakes (I cant even attach any!) its because I am comfortable with the way I ride and being within traffic at 3pm on chestnut street as all the assholes forget crosswalks are on the corners. My SLOW cadence on a bike is enough to run you out the water, but when im riding at a slow pace into town theres a lot of reasons im not goign fast. Maybe ill get work back the way i came so i may have to turn around, maybe i can accumalate some jobs as i make the slow roll into town. These reasons dont matter, what matters is that you shouldnt and cant show off to me.
I believe I got a lot out there, theres more but ill save it for another time. Oh and if you got this far and are thinking that "hey justin youre an asshole" well you shouldve read the fucking disclaimer huh?