See Im a relaxed kind of guy, i like relaxation after ive worked 10 hours each day. Im not a fan of things stressing me out, like overactive dogs (why I want a Great dane) or people who wanna rush everything thats going on. Take it easy people, theres plenty of time to get these things done, and the longer we take the better it will be. Anywho, im not too sure if this new way of having my week jampacked with potential plans is good or bad. One the one side it is super productive for me and like i said it makes my week go by much much faster. On the other side it kinda stresses me out and for some reason it has me going to sleep at like 12 o clock when i have to wake up at 630 each morning. I dunno... Im gonna let it play out for a little while and see how this goes, mayeb after June itll get a little easier.
Speaking of June, that whole month is going to be busyyyyyyy/relaxing?? i dunno lets take a look at my schedule:

All of the days outlined in red are the ones that I will be WORKING on the stage crew, this means i will not be getting my regular income as a bike messenger although i will be getting a few checks during the month of June probably not much though. I will be in Lehigh Valley, Reading and Philly for the 2-8 setting up those races, then i go back to work as a messenger that Monday for 2 days haha then that Wednesday which is in green I am traveling up to New York to see Conan with Chris, Cait, and Chris' friend Brad. The very next day I get in a station wagon with Jorge and a few other messengers and we make the trek up to toronto for the Messenger Worlds where I will be able to drink legally and basically have an awesome time with messengers from everywhere in the entire world for a weekend. this trip is represented in blueeee. I get back on Monday night hopefully after the 12 hour drive from Canada to Philly and then I go back to work at 7 the next day where I work as a messenger for the next 4 days. The very next week is the tour of PA where we do the whole stage crew thing from Philly to Pittsburgh in a few different stages. I get back to Philly on the 30th only to go back to work Tuesday. This is all my vacation... even though its work Ill still be glad to get away from the normal 7-5 grind each day.
Im a busy busy busy man
If your trying to hang out call my secretary she'll try and pencil you in.
the explanation of your calendar was fun and i'm glad you shared it. you're as busy as i am this month except i'm getting paid to entertain already drunk people in bars with more liquor samples and you're getting paid to do things you love.
aww, well hope you come back sooon. We all miss you
haha. i also write myself notes like that on my calendar.
the one today said "dear gina, stop buying broken things as 'projects' and then never fixing them. love, your bank account"
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