-20 Scoops of ice cream(4 1/2 pounds)
-10 scoops of chopped walnuts
-5 scoops of fresh whipped cream
-4 bananas
-4 scoops of hot fudge
-5 chocolate chip cookies
-2 scoops of m&ms
-2 scoops of reeses
-2 scoops of chocolate jimmies
-1 giant homemade brownie
They take all this and throw it into a bucket for your eating delight see below.

Im not so sure about this because in the back of my head its saying "try and eat this yourself" but the logical side is like "theres no fucking way your eating that much ice cream" This would make the perfect challenge if it were maybe a little bit smaller in size, maybe 10 scoops? I dunno, but someday soon i wanna get one of these and slay it like the delicious dragon it is.
how much is it, and angela and i are in.
cost is not a matter in the vermonster situation
Took 95% of this down last year with 2 friends. Isn't much fun once flavors like strawberry mix with coffee and birthday cake. Great opportunity for bragging rights though
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