Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Not bad for passing out
This is from the night before Beerster when i drank way too much and passed out. I made it a point to take off my shoes so i at least wouldnt get written on, i think this isnt too bad haha. I dont remember any of this happening, especially the part at the end where i get up and try and fight everyone
wooooooo way too much to drink.
Monday, April 28, 2008

oooooo i havent been so excited for a movie in a long time, especially a batman movie
you have to admit, heath looks literally insane in this movie, what a movie to end with.
Im also mad that i missed this
it was today here in Philly and i missed it, i even had a radio and a dispatcher that could walk me through
while in front of a computer
I also missed the Harvey Dent political van passing out free stuff
boo earns guys
mmm mmm good
My weekend was awesome despite the significant hangover sunday.
Friday I got productive and picked up boxes and such to put my things in with melissa and her tiny car. Then i spent the whole night putting my things into said boxes. You never really know how much crap you have until you have to move it all and ive heard that with each move it gets a little harder because you have more and more crap thats yours. This i will learn because the new house is basically void of any furniture because jorge doesnt like to own that sort of stuff, but I love looking around for new comfy things especially when its gonna be going into a home that will be awesome!!
Saturday I sat out the Ghetto Pass race and optioned for sleeping in and packing some more things. Later me, CJ, and donovan went to CJ's workshop and worked on tall bikes for Beerster, this didnt go so well because of our poor planning we only got to finish one tall bike. Afterwards we went and picked up the 750 beers that would supply a Sunday filled with free beer for the masses and people getting hurt. The night would be spent drinking beer, maddog, and cleaning out two bottles of saki. Also we painted the 666 beers to be used for Beerster all sorts of pastel colors. At some point I sneak away to pass out on the floor carefully making sure i take my shoes off so i dont get drawn on but I end up getting awaken with one of the jousting poles which i didnt remember at all until i seen the video the very next day. All and all a very good time.
Sunday was beerster, for those of you not so familiar with this i will explain. Beerster is a bike club event thrown where a predetermined amount of beer (this year was 666 beers) are painted pastel colors and hidden amongst nature upon Lemon Hill. This is accompanied by drunken feats of strength including a beer grab, tall bike jousting, and many other improv events which usually end up in beer being spilt everywhere and injuries galore for example last years tall bike tire swing from last year:
make sure to watch part 2 for the following concussion. This year was almost 3 times as big than last year with almost every single beer being found and drank throughout the entire day, no serious injuries like broken limbs and all but there will be quite a few people sore from all the hucklebucking. I struggled with my hangover all day but managed to shake it off at some point during the event but i remained sober throughout the rest of the day which was pretty sweet. The day ended with a ton of drunk people, qdoba, a super awesome massage, and a very happy me.
It is now monday morning, its raining and it will all day at work but somehow im not as bummed as usual because its 4 days til I move and i know for sure this week will go super fast! Happy monday yall
Friday I got productive and picked up boxes and such to put my things in with melissa and her tiny car. Then i spent the whole night putting my things into said boxes. You never really know how much crap you have until you have to move it all and ive heard that with each move it gets a little harder because you have more and more crap thats yours. This i will learn because the new house is basically void of any furniture because jorge doesnt like to own that sort of stuff, but I love looking around for new comfy things especially when its gonna be going into a home that will be awesome!!
Saturday I sat out the Ghetto Pass race and optioned for sleeping in and packing some more things. Later me, CJ, and donovan went to CJ's workshop and worked on tall bikes for Beerster, this didnt go so well because of our poor planning we only got to finish one tall bike. Afterwards we went and picked up the 750 beers that would supply a Sunday filled with free beer for the masses and people getting hurt. The night would be spent drinking beer, maddog, and cleaning out two bottles of saki. Also we painted the 666 beers to be used for Beerster all sorts of pastel colors. At some point I sneak away to pass out on the floor carefully making sure i take my shoes off so i dont get drawn on but I end up getting awaken with one of the jousting poles which i didnt remember at all until i seen the video the very next day. All and all a very good time.
Sunday was beerster, for those of you not so familiar with this i will explain. Beerster is a bike club event thrown where a predetermined amount of beer (this year was 666 beers) are painted pastel colors and hidden amongst nature upon Lemon Hill. This is accompanied by drunken feats of strength including a beer grab, tall bike jousting, and many other improv events which usually end up in beer being spilt everywhere and injuries galore for example last years tall bike tire swing from last year:
make sure to watch part 2 for the following concussion. This year was almost 3 times as big than last year with almost every single beer being found and drank throughout the entire day, no serious injuries like broken limbs and all but there will be quite a few people sore from all the hucklebucking. I struggled with my hangover all day but managed to shake it off at some point during the event but i remained sober throughout the rest of the day which was pretty sweet. The day ended with a ton of drunk people, qdoba, a super awesome massage, and a very happy me.
It is now monday morning, its raining and it will all day at work but somehow im not as bummed as usual because its 4 days til I move and i know for sure this week will go super fast! Happy monday yall
Friday, April 25, 2008
dog update
i fell asleep
only to wake up at 5 to him barking again
who the fuck leaves their dog outside at 5 in the morning
he doesnt stop barking at all, ever!!DKAJKJLAJAJ:ADjlfksafsag;a293424
only to wake up at 5 to him barking again
who the fuck leaves their dog outside at 5 in the morning
he doesnt stop barking at all, ever!!DKAJKJLAJAJ:ADjlfksafsag;a293424
Thursday, April 24, 2008
have been barking nonstop for the past 3 hours
their owners wont let them inside
i wanna free them
before my headache gets worse
their owners wont let them inside
i wanna free them
before my headache gets worse
About Schmidt

Yesterday this movie was on my mind, mainly because i used to fall asleep with it on at melissa's all the time. We were too lazy to get a new movie to watch and her tv could only play movies. Anyways back to my thoughts, this movie is actually really great for those of you who havent seen it.
The movie starts off with Warren Schmidt(Jack Nicholson) going into retirement and shortly after his wife dies and while coping with this he has to deal with his daughter marrying some lowlife who he doesnt approve of at all. Early into the movie we realize behind his apathetic front theres a very angry man whos fed up with a lot of things. But instead of letting everyone know how angry he is he decides to express it in letters to his foster child in Africa, Ndugu. But after his wife dies he realizes how much he really misses everything about her and how hes basically accomplished nothing in his life, and how his big plans have turned into nothing without him even noticing. This turns Warren into a very distraught emotional wreck, one of my favorite scenes is where hes finally starting to break down in front of us, not just in the narrative, he is going to shave and hes just rubbing shaving cream all over his face and you can tell he doesnt know what to do with himself.
Thing about this movie is that i can understand somewhat how he feels. Its usually in relationships where you see someone sooooo much and you spend so much time with them that you start to notice their quirks. Like you notice they make funny noises while they sleep, they chew with their mouths open just weird quirks that shouldnt matter but thing is youre with them so much it starts to get to you and you forget all the good times, the perfect moments where you notice how much you love that person. I'm an attentitive person so all these little things get to me just because I like to listen. Then out of nowhere you lose this person to death, addiction or just breaking up, then you get thrown into a rut where all you can key in on is the good times when they were there in your life and if you can you try so hard to get them back usually to no avail. Human thought and emotion are so interesting to me, the way they can work together and work against each other all in the same situation.
I dunno...
this is just one of the many things i get to think about while riding my bike at work, i think of so much while on my bike i dont always get it all down in the blog but im gonna try.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
shitty work day
Its 2:39 PM, ive done 3 jobs today thats like 8 bucks in my pocket.
Im ready to go home
Im ready to go home
Sunday, April 20, 2008
This weekend is the tattoo convention, i spent pretty much ALL of my day yesterday getting tattooed and hanging out at the Scapegoat tattoo booth. Its funny how the art of tattooing goes underappreciated because of a widespread amount of shitty tattoos. Of course there will always be shitty tattoos and shitty tattoo artists but if you go deeper there's a slew of artists who do it to express themselves in another way than oil paints and color pencils even though these tools are still key to a tattoo. I personally get tattoos to showcase an artists' talent for life, i appreciate that they take their art seriously and don't just settle for tattooing stars and kanji all day on douchebags who get a tattoo just for the experience of walking into a shop and pointing at something on the wall. Its hard for me to sit back and let my friends get shitty tattoos when i know better, why dont they know better? Ill never know.
Scapegoat is one of those shops where the art of tattooing is taken seriously and it shows in the talent of brian and ryan, both of their portfolios are amazing and they have one thing that most shops don't have, they are personable. When you're sitting down with someone who's digging needles into your skin and marking you for life you want someone who you can hold a conversation with, someone who can keep you relaxed because the worst thing to be during a tattoo is tense and nervous. My favorite shop used to be Deep Six where i got my arm done but Scapegoat is giving it a run for its money unfortunately they are located in Portland OR so it'll be kinda hard to refer them to you guys.
I currently don't have any pictures of what i got but i will soon and i will def post some on here so you guys can see. Its gonna be amazing once its finished and I'm gonna have to plan a trip out to Portland I'm thinking some time in June to get more work done, Brian is also gonna be doing some guest spots in New York some time in the future so i think I'll make a trip up there for some more work when he's in town. Brian is so good i may have him be the one to do my other sleeve because he's not only familiar with Alphonse Mucha, he's one of his favorite artists and he even has "winter" by Mucha hanging in his house which is coincidentally part of what i want on my sleeve. I was originally gonna have Paul who did my other arm do my sleeve but i have a feeling he wouldn't be as excited to do an amazing art nouveau piece because he's more of a horror portrait type of guy which means i may have Brian do it for me.
Anyway im just sitting here waiting to go back to the convention with chris, im trying to enter my sleeve in the tattoo contest!!!
Scapegoat is one of those shops where the art of tattooing is taken seriously and it shows in the talent of brian and ryan, both of their portfolios are amazing and they have one thing that most shops don't have, they are personable. When you're sitting down with someone who's digging needles into your skin and marking you for life you want someone who you can hold a conversation with, someone who can keep you relaxed because the worst thing to be during a tattoo is tense and nervous. My favorite shop used to be Deep Six where i got my arm done but Scapegoat is giving it a run for its money unfortunately they are located in Portland OR so it'll be kinda hard to refer them to you guys.
I currently don't have any pictures of what i got but i will soon and i will def post some on here so you guys can see. Its gonna be amazing once its finished and I'm gonna have to plan a trip out to Portland I'm thinking some time in June to get more work done, Brian is also gonna be doing some guest spots in New York some time in the future so i think I'll make a trip up there for some more work when he's in town. Brian is so good i may have him be the one to do my other sleeve because he's not only familiar with Alphonse Mucha, he's one of his favorite artists and he even has "winter" by Mucha hanging in his house which is coincidentally part of what i want on my sleeve. I was originally gonna have Paul who did my other arm do my sleeve but i have a feeling he wouldn't be as excited to do an amazing art nouveau piece because he's more of a horror portrait type of guy which means i may have Brian do it for me.
Anyway im just sitting here waiting to go back to the convention with chris, im trying to enter my sleeve in the tattoo contest!!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
I got 99 problems
The office is super boring this morning like usual. It feels like ive looked at the entire internet whilest sitting here for 4 hours in the morning each day. This i know is a stretch to say the least but nothing seems to be able to capture my interest on here. Although the other day i spent my whole morning on because i have an obsession with tall buildings but im terribly afraid of heights haha. While I was exploring skyscraperpage the city of Dubai caught my interest, that place is so interesting. Did you know that almost a quarter of all building construction in the world is in Dubai and that like almost half the cranes in the world are there too. Of course these arent terribly accurate because i read this a few days ago and cant seem to find my way back to the page i read these facts on, but its still amazing how much is going on there. They are currentyl building the tallest building in the world there

Look at all those fucking cranes

To put this building in perspective for those of you only familiar with philadelphia, the burj dubai is gonna be 807 meters tall, where the comcast center here in Philadelphia is only 297 meters tall. So every time i look up at the comcast center i think of what it must be like to be a messenger in Dubai and look up at the burj, thats like 2 1/2 comcast centers tall. This is the diagram of Philly:
and heres Dubai:
Now youll notice that Dubai has one building proposed that is even bigger than the burj, this building is the Al Burj and its slated to be tall as fuck. Its gonna be the first building to break the 1000 meter mark. Heres some comparison

Fucking crazy right? Imagine taking one of those elevators, of course they would use high speed elevators but still it would take foreverrrrrrr. Look at how tiny the burj dubai looks comapred to it. Theres gotta be bike messengers in dubai with all those buildings everywhere right? I could see everything being delivered by car though, i even went on google maps and poked around dubai on there, unfortunately no street view yet haha. Seems like theres a shit ton of roads to remember there, they use number streets much like philly but theres different sections to the city that all use their own number streets and they go into the 100s. I think i could swing it though, my brain has a knack for remembering streets and buildings and floors of clients.
I dont know where i was originally going with this post, it seems all my post just seem to wander off. So im gonna end this post with a list!
1. Philly should build more tall ass buildings, the ACC tower is a big step but still is no 1000 meter building
2. Check out itll give you something to do for a few hours
3. Im terribly bored and cant wait to see everyone tonight at the art feast and film
4. but a bitch aint one?
Ric flair!

Look at all those fucking cranes

To put this building in perspective for those of you only familiar with philadelphia, the burj dubai is gonna be 807 meters tall, where the comcast center here in Philadelphia is only 297 meters tall. So every time i look up at the comcast center i think of what it must be like to be a messenger in Dubai and look up at the burj, thats like 2 1/2 comcast centers tall. This is the diagram of Philly:
and heres Dubai:
Now youll notice that Dubai has one building proposed that is even bigger than the burj, this building is the Al Burj and its slated to be tall as fuck. Its gonna be the first building to break the 1000 meter mark. Heres some comparison

Fucking crazy right? Imagine taking one of those elevators, of course they would use high speed elevators but still it would take foreverrrrrrr. Look at how tiny the burj dubai looks comapred to it. Theres gotta be bike messengers in dubai with all those buildings everywhere right? I could see everything being delivered by car though, i even went on google maps and poked around dubai on there, unfortunately no street view yet haha. Seems like theres a shit ton of roads to remember there, they use number streets much like philly but theres different sections to the city that all use their own number streets and they go into the 100s. I think i could swing it though, my brain has a knack for remembering streets and buildings and floors of clients.
I dont know where i was originally going with this post, it seems all my post just seem to wander off. So im gonna end this post with a list!
1. Philly should build more tall ass buildings, the ACC tower is a big step but still is no 1000 meter building
2. Check out itll give you something to do for a few hours
3. Im terribly bored and cant wait to see everyone tonight at the art feast and film
4. but a bitch aint one?
Ric flair!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
IRS woes
All of my money has gone to the IRS and the city for taxes and will continue to go to these various places for just about the next 2 months unfortunately. I dont know how much this tax experience has taught me, its definitely put a lot of my spending into perspective. For example i used to get a huge breakfast each morning across the street from the office and it would cost me soooo much each morning when i could just buy cereal or bagels and eat at my house in the morning, the same thing goes with my lunch and snacks throughout the day. All of my spending on food needs to be tightened up and the realization of this and moving out should get my butt into gear because right now the kitchen at the house im in is super gross and i never wanna even keep food in there let alone cook here. Another problem i have is with ebay, i have an insanely unhealthy addiction to buying things on ebay even a ton of things i dont even need. Like i have these wheels that i dont even have a bike that they fit, they just sit around in my house doing no good to anyone. Thats basically where im going with this whole entire article. there is the most amazing bike on ebay currently ( and thing is, the wheels i have fit that bike. Buy it for me?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The tattoo convention is this weekend!!!!! Im super excited because I'm getting tattooed this time around and its gonna be my whole entire chest outline in one sitting. Brian from Scapegoat Tattoo in Portland ( is the man who will be tattooing it on me. Brian is good friends with my roommate donovan and ive had the pleasure with hanging out with these guys at the Boston convention where donovan got his sleeve outlined in one day. Sooooo excited because one im getting tattooed for this first time in like a year and two this give me an excuse to make a trip out to portland sometime later in the year to get it all finished up. Im not gonna explain what im getting ill just post pictures later on because its gonna be too sweet for words. woooooooooo!!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Trade lito sheppard for christ sakes
or do something productive.
I know something is going on i just like to be informed
2 weeks til the draft!
or do something productive.
I know something is going on i just like to be informed
2 weeks til the draft!
My change jug is so deceptive, last time I went to empty out my change at Commerce bank i went with an open mind thinking maybe ill get a hundred bucks out of it. Turns out i ended up having about 300 in the jug, surprise surprise. This time I go relying on getting just about that much because it seemed to me theres was just about the same amount in the jug, but alas i end up with 150 dollars. Quite the upset this was because i was kind of relying on the change jug to put me over the top on paying my taxes. So you know what i did? I spent the change money on myself, yes i did and you know what i bought? dvds and multivitamins
Im super excited about these multivitamins because they are a small step to cleaning my system up. Ive somwehat tackled getting rid of soda from my diet so far and these multivitamins are gonna kickstart my system into working order. Soon enough ill be in tip top shape, just in time for the racing season. Im looking to win this year, no mo 3rd place.
Im super excited about these multivitamins because they are a small step to cleaning my system up. Ive somwehat tackled getting rid of soda from my diet so far and these multivitamins are gonna kickstart my system into working order. Soon enough ill be in tip top shape, just in time for the racing season. Im looking to win this year, no mo 3rd place.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Finally, some time to think
Its definitely been a while since ive written my thoughts down in here. This is mainly because of the month of April creeping up on me so fast, one moment its january and your freezing your ass off outside hoping for some work on your bike and the next thing you know your wearing shorts and hiding from the sun.
Ive been thinking about way too much and not writing it down, its all building up inside of me. Theres so many ideas and thoughts on things floating around inside my head but i cant pin one down for the life of me. Like earlier in this entry i wanted to ramble off into oblivion about the weather and how weve had 6 inches of snow this past winter but anywho... If you know me you can probably tell something is going on inside of my head at all times im just horrible at communicating it through the spoken word, which is why im surprised i dont do this more often. I often sit back and watch myself be discounted from intelligent conversations which i could add loads of feedback to, all because of the fact that i often dont speak up or I just can't seem to find the right words to convey my opinions well.
I know what it is, its this life/lifestyle i now live. Ive been pulled out of my comfort zone full of artisticly intelligent and genuinely caring people and thrusted into a world full of coked up alcoholics who would use anyone and anything to gain a step up. I am in almost no way like these people, we have our familiarities but these familiar traits bring nothing but a few good laughs and a sense that im missing out on something bigger.
I miss my artistic friends, all of you guys from CAPA who inspired me to use my talents as much as possible. It was like we were roommates for 4 straight years and all of a sudden we all split off in our own seperate directions. Even some of you are so close to me but i cant seem to find time for you all, we are suddenly on different pages and i badly wanna come back. Im glad i didnt lose my best friend through all this whom i met at CAPA and im super psyched for May because we'll be able to hang out in more situations than when i visit on the weekends which will be amazing for my creative side and the more frequent intelligent conversations may help with my scatterbrain at the moment. I cant really remember a time in the past year or so where ive been so excited, im even paying out the ass in taxes and im still excited.
This weekend gettin my chest tattoo outlined and Jenalees art show, hopefully get to see some old friends
Next week/weekend packing and trying to raise some extra money, ya know get shit together.
Soon enough the weekend after the 1st is move time and Bike swap stuff
soooooo excited, im gonna try and write more often in here, it really helps
Bye yallss
Ive been thinking about way too much and not writing it down, its all building up inside of me. Theres so many ideas and thoughts on things floating around inside my head but i cant pin one down for the life of me. Like earlier in this entry i wanted to ramble off into oblivion about the weather and how weve had 6 inches of snow this past winter but anywho... If you know me you can probably tell something is going on inside of my head at all times im just horrible at communicating it through the spoken word, which is why im surprised i dont do this more often. I often sit back and watch myself be discounted from intelligent conversations which i could add loads of feedback to, all because of the fact that i often dont speak up or I just can't seem to find the right words to convey my opinions well.
I know what it is, its this life/lifestyle i now live. Ive been pulled out of my comfort zone full of artisticly intelligent and genuinely caring people and thrusted into a world full of coked up alcoholics who would use anyone and anything to gain a step up. I am in almost no way like these people, we have our familiarities but these familiar traits bring nothing but a few good laughs and a sense that im missing out on something bigger.
I miss my artistic friends, all of you guys from CAPA who inspired me to use my talents as much as possible. It was like we were roommates for 4 straight years and all of a sudden we all split off in our own seperate directions. Even some of you are so close to me but i cant seem to find time for you all, we are suddenly on different pages and i badly wanna come back. Im glad i didnt lose my best friend through all this whom i met at CAPA and im super psyched for May because we'll be able to hang out in more situations than when i visit on the weekends which will be amazing for my creative side and the more frequent intelligent conversations may help with my scatterbrain at the moment. I cant really remember a time in the past year or so where ive been so excited, im even paying out the ass in taxes and im still excited.
This weekend gettin my chest tattoo outlined and Jenalees art show, hopefully get to see some old friends
Next week/weekend packing and trying to raise some extra money, ya know get shit together.
Soon enough the weekend after the 1st is move time and Bike swap stuff
soooooo excited, im gonna try and write more often in here, it really helps
Bye yallss
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