Tuesday, April 15, 2008


My change jug is so deceptive, last time I went to empty out my change at Commerce bank i went with an open mind thinking maybe ill get a hundred bucks out of it. Turns out i ended up having about 300 in the jug, surprise surprise. This time I go relying on getting just about that much because it seemed to me theres was just about the same amount in the jug, but alas i end up with 150 dollars. Quite the upset this was because i was kind of relying on the change jug to put me over the top on paying my taxes. So you know what i did? I spent the change money on myself, yes i did and you know what i bought? dvds and multivitamins

Im super excited about these multivitamins because they are a small step to cleaning my system up. Ive somwehat tackled getting rid of soda from my diet so far and these multivitamins are gonna kickstart my system into working order. Soon enough ill be in tip top shape, just in time for the racing season. Im looking to win this year, no mo 3rd place.

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