Look at all those fucking cranes

To put this building in perspective for those of you only familiar with philadelphia, the burj dubai is gonna be 807 meters tall, where the comcast center here in Philadelphia is only 297 meters tall. So every time i look up at the comcast center i think of what it must be like to be a messenger in Dubai and look up at the burj, thats like 2 1/2 comcast centers tall. This is the diagram of Philly: http://skyscraperpage.com/diagrams/?c326
and heres Dubai:
Now youll notice that Dubai has one building proposed that is even bigger than the burj, this building is the Al Burj and its slated to be tall as fuck. Its gonna be the first building to break the 1000 meter mark. Heres some comparison

Fucking crazy right? Imagine taking one of those elevators, of course they would use high speed elevators but still it would take foreverrrrrrr. Look at how tiny the burj dubai looks comapred to it. Theres gotta be bike messengers in dubai with all those buildings everywhere right? I could see everything being delivered by car though, i even went on google maps and poked around dubai on there, unfortunately no street view yet haha. Seems like theres a shit ton of roads to remember there, they use number streets much like philly but theres different sections to the city that all use their own number streets and they go into the 100s. I think i could swing it though, my brain has a knack for remembering streets and buildings and floors of clients.
I dont know where i was originally going with this post, it seems all my post just seem to wander off. So im gonna end this post with a list!
1. Philly should build more tall ass buildings, the ACC tower is a big step but still is no 1000 meter building
2. Check out skyscraperpage.com itll give you something to do for a few hours
3. Im terribly bored and cant wait to see everyone tonight at the art feast and film
4. but a bitch aint one?
Ric flair!
Get a DS and play Pocket Monsters.
That building is straight out of some 80s anime. You know, when anime was still "japanimation."
did you hear about this?:
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